빌뉴스 국립 콘서트홀 설계 공모
An international architectural idea competition for the National Concert Hall has been launched. Architects from all over the world are invited to design one of the most important future spaces in the capital city of Lithuania and to submit their proposals to Vilnius City Municipality.
The contest expires in June, and it is estimated that the construction of the building should start in 2021. According to initial plans, Vilnius city dwellers and city guests would be invited to the new hall in 2023 on the occasion of celebration of the 700th anniversary of Vilnius city.
Participants of the architectural competition will be asked to design a building, two concert halls, spaces for lounge bars, a spacious lobby with a view of a breath-taking scenery of the city, and premises for any other cultural activities. The budget for design and construction works amounts to EUR 52 million. All object designing, construction and installation as well as land plot management related costs are included in this amount.
Apart from modern style and western quality, the terms and conditions of the competition state that the participating teams should understand the significance of the location of the building and the historical context – the former Trade Union building presently standing on the hill of Tauras as initially suggested by Jonas Basanavičius actually had to be the Home of the Nation.
The architectural idea competition will be open for six months. Architectural ideas and inquiries will be accepted until 25 June 2019. The results should be announced in September with the subsequent exhibition of the design projects for the general public. Construction works are to start in 2020–2022, and the first concert is to be held in the new space in 2023.
In accordance with the terms and conditions of the architectural idea competition drawn up by the city municipality, the new building should accommodate up to 1,700 persons in the big hall and 500 persons in the small hall. The architectural contest is organised in cooperation with the International Union of Architects, the Lithuanian Union of Architects and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.
리투아니아 빌뉴스에 국립 콘서트홀을 건립하기 위한 국제 설계 아이디어 공모가 열린다. 전 세계 건축가들에게는 리투아니아의 수도에 가장 중요한 미래 공간 중 하나인 콘서트홀을 디자인할 좋은 기회이다.
공모는 6월 25일에 마감되며, 당선안을 토대로 2021년에 공사에 돌입할 것으로 보인다. 초기 계획에 따르면 빌뉴스 도시 거주자와 방문객은 2023년에 개최할 빌뉴스 도시의 700주년 기념행사를 통해 새로운 콘서트홀을 맞이하게 될 것이다.
참가자들은 빌뉴스에 콘서트 등 각종 여가 활동을 위한 적절한 공간인 동시에 현대적인 공간을 설계하면 된다. 도시에 영감을 주면서 새로운 상징으로서 역할을 할 수 있어야 한다. 2개의 콘서트홀과 라운지 바, 도시 경관을 감상할 수 있는 넓은 로비, 그리고 기타 문화 활동을 위한 공간을 포함해야 한다.
설계 및 시공을 위한 예산은 5,200만 유로이며, 설계 및 건설, 설치뿐만 아니라 토지 관리까지도 포함된 금액이다. 국내외 많은 건축가의 참여를 기다린다.
Registration for the Competition: From the Competition launch until 25th June 2019
Questions: From the Competition launch until – 19th of June 2019
Submission deadline: 25th June 2019
Announcement of results (provisional): September 2019
Exhibition: September 2019
Prizes and Prize money
First prize 60,000 Eur
Second prize 40,000 Eur
Third prize 20,000 Eur
Contracting Authority
Vilnius City Municipal Administration
Competition organizer
Architects Association of Lithuania
등록 및 작품 제출: ~2019.6.25(화요일) 17:00 GMT+2
질의 응답: ~2019.6.19(수요일)
결과 발표: 2019. 9월 중
전시: 2019. 9월 중
패키지 A: 보고서(A4, 14장 이내), 패널 (B1, 6장), USB
패키지 B: 1/500 모형
패키지 C: 참가자 신분확인서(별첨), ESPD(European Single Procurement Document) 서명, 그룹 지원 시 파트너 동의서 등
1등: 60,000 EUR
2등: 40,000 EUR
3등: 20,000 EUR
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