Bogor Creative Hub
식민지 시대 네덜란드 건축양식에서 영감을 얻은 곡선 형태의 미니멀한 건물
Local Architecture Bureau | 로컬 아키텍쳐 뷰로

Designed as an incubator for creative people in Bogor, Indonesia, this creative hub aims at being a collective space for hosting various activities, and an open platform for spontaneous, informal exchanges.
The building stands on a 13,000m2 site, occupied by a 200-year old existing building dating to the Dutch colonial period. The site leaves an open space that can be utilized for casual activities. The complex extends to the larger neighborhood of Taman Hutan Raya Bogor, near the Presidential Palace of Indonesia, making it very prominent and requiring a carefully thought-out design language.
인도네시아의 수도 자카르타에서 남쪽으로 60km 떨어진 보고르에 200년 전 네덜란드 식민지 시절 지어진 옛 보고르 관공서가 있다. 13,000m2 면적의 부지에는 공원과 인도네시아 대통령 관저가 있는데, 남동쪽으로는 보고르의 허파 역할을 하는 보고르 식물원과 연결된다. 이 부지에 다양한 창작 활동과 자유로운 아이디어 교환이 이루어지는 창의적 인재들의 요람인 ‘크리에이티브 허브’가 들어섰다.

The creative hub is conceived as a single building, with porous accessibility from all directions, smoothly connecting all open space in the complex for open-air activities and extending towards the park. The C-shaped form is organized to face existing big trees and the old building, and the volume fills out towards the edge of the complex along the site boundary. The interior programs (auditorium, classrooms and gallery) occupy different geometries under a single curved roof, which is a dominant expression of tropical design. All programs are surrounded by an open terrace that enlarges their useable space and offers accessibility.
Throughout the building, the experience is one of semi-outdoor space, where repeated columns support the roof structure and help merge the terrace with the park. These covered open spaces provide an inclusive environment for the education and leisure activities which take place both inside and outside of the building. The outdoor spaces help to breed creativity through their informality, and offer opportunities for social activities at different points on the site.

설계를 맡은 건축가 게마왕 스와리바토로는 디자인 컨셉을 이렇게 설명한다. “기존 건물은 물론 주변의 넓은 녹지와도 조화를 이룬 건축물을 짓고자 부지의 특성을 최대한 고려하여 단순하고 조용하지만, 창의력을 자극하는 디자인을 떠올렸다.”
건물은 공원과 보고르 관공서를 향해 C자형 곡선을 그리며 부지의 북서쪽 가장자리를 채운다. 굽이진 열대 풍의 지붕 아래로 강당, 강의실, 갤러리 등이 들어서 있다. 지붕을 떠받친 기둥 주변으로 테라스와 공원이 합쳐진 개방형 구조로, 건물 전체가 실내외 구분이 모호한 반(半) 야외 공간으로 설계됐다. 양쪽 출입구를 비롯, 여러 방향에서 진입할 수 있다. 크리에이티브 허브는 강의와 레저, 사교 활동을 위한 폭넓은 환경을 제공하며, 자유로운 분위기 속에서 이용자들의 창의력을 자극하고 상호 교류를 이끌어내고자 한다.

“We tried to respect [the site] as much as we could, in order to harmonize between the historical building and the massive green forest, by designing a simple, quiet, non-provocative [building, which is] yet flexible for the creative spirit” explains Gemawang Swaribathoro, about the architectural approach to the creative hub. The concept is to maintain this building as a blank canvas, to be “filled with creative spirit” and activated by creatives’ color and soul. The park which sits in between the old building and new becomes an outdoor stage; performances can either face the large public plaza or the alternative direction if the space is used as an extension of the program inside. The masterplan is organized so that the whole complex can be as open as possible to the public and visitors, as well as acting as a catalyst for the creative processes of the users of the building.

Project: Bogor Creative Hub / Location: Bogor, West Java – Indonesia / Architect: Local Architecture Bureau / Principal architect; Tan Tik Lam & Gemawang Swaribathoro / Design team; Hafri Alfian, Aldo Feandri, Rifandi Febrianto, Angga Meigandana, Gilang Aji Sagara / Structure consultant ; H.E.R.S.U.B – Bandung / MEP consultant ; ALVASARA Jakarta / Main contractor; PT Luxindo Putra Mandiri – PT Lingkar Persada / Roof manufacture; Bluescope / Window & Door installations; YKK / Site area: 1.3ha / Gross floor area: 1,600m2 / Completion: 2021 / Photograph: DKD/ Dedi Dwitomo