Glarros Oldtown Hotel

Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia, is a city with a rich history dating back to the 5th century. Positioned at the crossroads of Asia and Eastern Europe, it has been a hub for cultural and economic exchange throughout history, and this vibrant energy still resonates throughout the city. In the heart of the Old Town, where buildings with red-tiled roofs evoke a nostalgic atmosphere, a unique hotel has been established, creating a distinctly different ambiance from the historical surroundings. Like a mirror reflecting the neighborhood inherited from the past, this building adds depth to the city.

The hotel is situated near Liberty Square, a prominent location in Tbilisi, on a site that once housed administrative facilities built in the 1980s. As public institutions gradually moved from the Old Town to the new city, vacant buildings transformed into facilities for travelers, and the hotel followed this trend. However, due to limitations in repurposing the existing structure for accommodation, a new building was constructed to harmonize with the architectural heritage of the Old Town.
Even in the bustling streets, the hotel captivates passersby with its vintage mosaic tiles adorning the interior walls. Various patterns and designs made from colorful tiles are exposed through the curtain walls, creating an effect reminiscent of large murals. These murals abstractly represent the city’s identity, blending various races, religions, and cultures

The golden circular staircase at the hotel entrance is another prominent design element. If mosaic tiles represent murals, the circular staircase is a piece of art. Adorning the sharp street corner, it bathes the street in golden hues, adding grandeur to the building. On the side of the circular staircase, a glimpse of the underground lounge staircase and courtyard appears. These spaces provide moments of respite from the hustle and bustle of the street. With a total of five room types, each room is strategically placed to overlook either a courtyard, backyard, or street. Additionally, each room is equipped with a terrace, ensuring privacy from the external environment.
Project: Glarros Oldtown / Location: Tbilisi, Georgia / Architect: Laboratory of architecture #3 / Lead architects: Dimitri Shapakidze, Irakli Abashidze / Collaborating Architects: Tamar Tekhova, Tata Koiava / 3D Visualization: Kakha Maisuradze, Kakha Vachadze / Gross floor area: 4500m² / Completion: 2023 / Photograph: ⓒGiorgi Mamasakhlisi (courtesy of the architect)

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