Valerio Olgiati unveils mixed-use tower design for the capital of Albania
Rruga Adem Jashari Valerio Olgiati Swiss architect Valerio Olgiati has unveiled the design for a mixed-use development in the capital...
Read moreDetailsRruga Adem Jashari Valerio Olgiati Swiss architect Valerio Olgiati has unveiled the design for a mixed-use development in the capital...
Read moreDetailsCultural Center in Bourg-la-Reine Dominique Coulon & associés Nestled along a narrow road and hidden behind residential buildings, the Cultural...
Read moreDetailsBorrowed Land Rikke Winther (ACT!) + Ask Holmen + CLAYA + Studio Winther An old quarry in Tønsberg, Norway, once...
Read moreDetailsRC House in La Cascada Cristián Nanzer Situated on a relatively quiet spot on the outskirts of Córdoba, this house...
Read moreDetailsHouse in a Steel Corset Šépka architekti The property, a family house in Prague, was originally built as a permanent...
Read moreDetailsVinata de Mezcal Estudio ALA Mezcal, Mexico’s iconic distilled spirit, is made from agave. Strictly regulated under government standards, it...
Read moreDetailsExtended State Music School with a concert hall SLAS Architekci Jastrzębie-Zdrój, a medium-sized town of 90,000 people in southern Poland,...
Read moreDetailsOrchid Pavilion CCA + Bernardo Quinzaños Puerto Escondido, located on the Pacific coast of Mexico, is a region characterized by...
Read moreDetailsThe world is increasingly realizing the severity of the climate crisis. As a result, industries across various sectors are under...
Read moreDetailsDomino Square Studio Cadena + Field Operations Williamsburg in Brooklyn, along the flowing East River, was once home to industrial...
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