The ArXellence 2 Architectural Ideas Competition
Thessaloniki is a historic city that has developed through the ages. Thessaloniki’s west waterfront area, where the city harbor is...
Thessaloniki is a historic city that has developed through the ages. Thessaloniki’s west waterfront area, where the city harbor is...
Brønshøj Parish Center, Denmark 지역 화합의 장이 된 덴마크 코펜하겐의 교구 센터 NORD Architects | NORD 아키텍츠 The...
A Room For Tomorrow Prototype, France 내일을 위한 친환경 객실 디자인 프로토타입 ciguë | 씨귀 Conceiving a ‘room...
1. Summary(1) Location: 265-3, Uam-dong, Nam-gu, Busan, Republic of KoreaSite Area : 20,158m2(2) Usage: Business facilities, Sales facilities, Factories(3) Scale-...
New Parish Complex Resurrection of our Lord, Italy 지역 사회에 새로운 숨을 불어넣은 이탈리아 비아레지오의 교회 TAMassociati | TAM 어쏘시아띠 ...
There is much discussion about the role of technology in our future, and it is, without any doubt an important...
The Jamsil Hangang Park swimming pool, installed in August 1990, is a safety-grade C-class facility after a close inspection in...
Singapore Founders’ Memorial 싱가포르 건국자 기념관 설계 공모전 당선작 Kengo Kuma & Associates | 쿠마 겐고 건축도시설계사무소 The...
Korea Football Association, KFANational Football Center(NFC) Master Plan International Closed Competition 1. Purpose- This design competition must be started with...
Baku Olympic Stadium, Azerbaijan 아제르바이잔 바쿠 올림픽 경기장; 마름모꼴 패턴 파사드가 돋보이는 시민을 위한 복합 문화 시설 Heerim Architects &...