
For the first time since 1851, a Latin American country will host the Universal Exposition, at Buenos Aires 2023. The event will last three months, from January to April 2023, with a theme dedicated to digital convergence in the creative industries.
The exposition will take place in an urban location which borders the province and the city of Buenos Aires, crossed by the ring road that separates two social realities.
The architects have proposed an integral system of metropolitan parks that will link the bridge, to the ‘Innovation Boulevard’, with its own ecological reserve. The reserve integrates and entirely revitalizes a degraded sector of the city and is able to merge, through a new forest and public landscape, the Federal Capital with the province of Buenos Aires.

The great pedestrian bridge establishes a symbolic link between the city and the province of Buenos Aires: “Conceptually it is two pieces embedded in the form of a ‘C’. Perceptually, there is a displacement of the province towards the city and the city in the province”, explain the architects. In the center of the proposed design, the physical and symbolic integration of both city and province occurs.
The ‘Innovation Boulevard’, where the main activities of Expo 2023 are concentrated, consists of several systems: public squares that propose thematic variety and human scale; topographic folds that house the new permanent programs; ephemeral programs dispersed along the axis; and a shadow system composed of natural and artificial elements.
In the legacy stage, the proposal is to consolidate the site into a large biodiversity park – ‘Campus of Creativity’ – the scale of which will turn it into a new metropolitan green lung, giving Expo 2023 a great natural legacy.

In the urban integration proposal, each unit or sector will be considered as its own ‘biome’, which the architects define as the unique combination of plant typologies, scales and textures which will apply. Reintroduction of species of beneficial flora and fauna will be used as a practice of environmental rehabilitation.
The boulevard will be transformed into a sequential landscape of squares and quadrants integrating the various biomes of the world. Each country will contribute landscapes to the international exhibition, composing with elements of its own culture and tradition, the plant species of each biome that will endow each quadrant with character and identity.
Project: Universal Exposition – Buenos Aires 2023 (First Prize – International Competition Bridge + Boulevard) /Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina / Architect: AISENSON + ASNnOISE / Authors: Karla Montauti (Venezuela), Pablo Pschepiurca (Argentina), Rodrigo Grassi (Argentina), Maria Hojman (Argentina) / Collaborators: Juan Ignacio Bereilh, Alex Andino, Ismael Preti, Victoria Sabatini, Florentina Gatti, Julieta del Villar / Advisors: landscape – Lucas De Niro y Alfredo Benassi; structures – Fernando Saludas / Area: 200 Has. / Competition year: 2019.7~10
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