BIG wins the international competition for Vltava Philharmonic Hall in Prague
Prague has announced the winner of the international architectural competition for the design of the Vltava Philharmonic Hall, which is the team of the Danish studio...
Prague has announced the winner of the international architectural competition for the design of the Vltava Philharmonic Hall, which is the team of the Danish studio...
헤닝 라센, 친환경 신도시 중국 푸장의 시민회관 설계공모 수상팀으로 선정돼 After convening on 30 November 2021, the jury panel of the international competition co-organized by Pujiang...
Shenzhen Terraces스마오 선콩 국제 센터 설계 공모전 당선작 MVRDV MVRDV have won a competition to design the 101,300m2 mixed-use Shimao ShenKong International Center in Universiade...
Singapore Founders’ Memorial 싱가포르 건국자 기념관 설계 공모전 당선작 Kengo Kuma & Associates | 쿠마 겐고 건축도시설계사무소 The design concept originates from the idea...
VDMA (Van der Meulen-Ansemsterrein), EindhovenOMA + 비잉, 에인트호번의 역사적 산업지구를 혁신 허브로 재개발하는 공모전에 당선 OMA + Being Development | OMA + 비잉 OMA / David...
The Whale Dorte Mandrup A/S Danish architecture studio Dorte Mandrup A/S has won the international competition to design a new attraction, ‘The Whale’, 300km north of...
Bridge+Boulevard AISENSON + ASNnOISE For the first time since 1851, a Latin American country will host the Universal Exposition, at Buenos Aires 2023. The event will...
Odyssée Pleyel Jakob+Macfarlane The Odyssée Pleyel project showcases thought-leadership in the transition to global clean energy, in its quest to become a carbon-neutral development.The site is...
Eternal Wall of Answered Prayers Snug Architects Snug Architects has won the international design competition for a groundbreaking national “landmark of hope” to be located at...
헤닝 라슨, 중국 도시 계획의 패러다임을 바꿀 야심작으로 중국 선전 만 도시설계 국제공모전 당선 Henning Larsen Architects | 헤닝 라슨 아키텍츠 . . From 15 participants,...