Snøhetta wins competition for Budapest South Gate
Snøhetta has won the Budapest South Gate International Masterplan Design Competition.The goal of the competition is to implement a viable...
Snøhetta has won the Budapest South Gate International Masterplan Design Competition.The goal of the competition is to implement a viable...
Hanwha Galleria in Gwanggyo OMA The new Galleria department store is located in Gwanggyo, a new urban development close to...
Gwyllim Jahn, Cameron Newnham (Fologram) + Igor Pantic + SoomeenHahm Design 함수민, 2019 탈린 건축 비엔날레 공모전 수상귈림 잰, 카메론...
빌뉴스 국립 콘서트홀 설계 공모 An international architectural idea competition for the National Concert Hall has been launched. Architects from...
젊은건축가공모전: 르완다 예배당 YAC is a association whose aim is to promote architectural competitions amongst young designers – no matter...
제8회 생태학습센터 공모전 OPENGAP organizes the eighth edition of this open ideas competition seeking for innovative, cutting-edge, contemporary, proposals, committed...
Development of the Conceptual Architectural and Cultural Project for Sveta Nedelya Square, the City of Sofia 불가리아 소피아 스베테 네델리아...
공원 속 로비, 애플 파크 스티브 잡스 극장 Foster + Partners | 포스터 앤 파트너스 . . The recently opened...
Arata Isozaki, renowned Japanese architec, has been named the 2019 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate.The Hyatt Foundation gave the background to...
Extension du Musée des Augustins à Toulouse Aires Mateus The Musée des Augustins – one of the oldest museums in...