Sound path between boxes within a box
Concino Concrete MPART Architects Concino Concrete, meaning ‘a place to sing, play and harmonize,’ is a space for music lovers....
Concino Concrete MPART Architects Concino Concrete, meaning ‘a place to sing, play and harmonize,’ is a space for music lovers....
54 Social housing unit in Bon Pastor Peris+Toral Arquitectes The Remodeling Plan for the neighborhood of Bon Pastor, Barcelona, anticipates...
Catalan Government Headquarters Estudio Carme Pinós The Catalan Government Headquarters project is located in the middle of an old and...
Growing Up Pavilion New Office Works Just as the process of growing trees requires good soil, so the process of...
AB House Office MI-JI The residential project is located in Barwon Heads, Victoria, Australia. It is a bounded house within...
EMK Musical Company D-Werker Architects Located at the intersection of Nonhyeon-ro and Nambusunhwan-ro, the main roads of Gangnam, Seoul, EMK...
Traditional Buddhism Center of Jogye Order IROJE Architects & Planners The Magoksa temple neighborhood, situated in Gongju, Chungcheongnam-do, is an...
El Salitre Community Center Omar Vergara Taller In the El Salitre Community Center – in Zapotlanejo, Jalisco, Mexico – the...
Aprogen Biologics OCA Aprogen, a company specializing in antibody drugs and biosimilar pharmaceuticals has completed the construction of their Osong...
Furioso Vineyards Waechter Architecture Furioso brings together production facilities and public-facing amenities through a compact, unified architectural form. The project...