Four flexible apartments suspended in the Douro landscape
Quinta da Faísca Tourist Accommodation Carlos Castanheira Following the restructuring of the Quinta da Faísca winery, in the Douro region ...
Quinta da Faísca Tourist Accommodation Carlos Castanheira Following the restructuring of the Quinta da Faísca winery, in the Douro region ...
Vliervelden Apartment, Almere네덜란드 전원 풍경 속에 자리한 현대적 농촌 공동주택 KettingHuls | 케팅훌스 Together with Vink Bouw, and Stadsboeren ...
Navakitel Design Hotel, Thailand 기존 콘크리트 건물에 얇은 강판과 철망 마감으로 증축한 태국 남부 나바키텔 디자인 호텔 Junsekino Architect and ...
Mi Querido Tulum, Multifamily Housing, Mexico 기존의 식생을 유지하며 지역의 천연 재료를 사용한 주거 단지, 멕시코 툴룸의 ‘미 께리도 툴룸’ ...
Humo house Iván Bravo The home of a couple, who spent 10 years preparing their retreat while living in separate ...
MizMedi Child Care Center (Dear One) Yeonhan Architects The MizMedi Child Care Center (Dear One) redefines postnatal care by creating ...
Xi’an Center Culture Business District Heatherwick Studio At the starting point of the ancient Silk Road that stretched across China ...
ION Cheongdam urban ark Square masses of bright colors float above the transparency, creating vertical layers. The floating masses create ...
OMOK Park Renovation moss architects + Design Studio LOCI Located in the heart of Mokdong New Town in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, ...
Rue des Quatre-Cheminées Déchelette Architecture Located in Boulogne-Billancourt, 8 kilometers southwest of central Paris, a newly constructed eco-friendly building utilizes ...