Pop Kudamm is a temporary cultural space in Berlin’s City West. Created by stacking 35 chrome-colored containers, it hosts various events such as exhibitions, performances, pop-ups and a wide variety of events. It addresses current issues of urban life and stimulates public discourse.
Adjacent to the containers stands the Galeria department store. Owned by the Austrian real estate development company, Signa Group, it filed for bankruptcy protection in 2022. Signa Group now plans to construct a massive tower on the site. Amidst this urban development controversy, the idea of Pop Kudam was born – an accessible and free cultural and artistic space open to everyone. The project contemplates the impact of art, culture, science, and architecture on urban development, and this perspective is embodied in Pop Kudam.
It was initiated by Signa Real Estate in cooperation with Technical University Berlin and Berlin University of the Arts. It was designed by GRAFT, who together with the experience of Platoon cultural development were responsible for the architectural development. Platoon has been engaging in cultural and artistic ventures through temporary spaces made of shipping containers worldwide since 2000. Over 20 years of expertise in cultural program curation and art direction, they created a creative space that gathers people and ideas. As a result of the collaboration of art, culture, science, and architecture experts, Pop Kudam represents a new ‘Place of Participation, POP.’
City West is an area filled with diverse commercial stores, shopping streets, and there are historical landmarks, entertainment venues, and accommodation facilities. In the coming years, further changes are expected in this urban space. The emergence of a new cultural space in this area suggests another direction in the upcoming transformation of urban space. The potted trees atop the containers symbolize the importance of sustainability within the development flow. Amidst future urban transformations, Pop Kudam will act as an urban cultural forum, serving as a milestone towards a sustainable city.
Project: POP KUDAMM / Location: Berlin, Germany / Architect: GRAFT / Project team: Martin Bernard, Nils Besler, Mathilde Dewavrin, Ana Lopez de Rego / Project management: Aleca Bunescu, Bojan Zdravkovic / Collaborators: Lars Krückeberg, Wolfram Putz, Thomas Willemeit, Dennis Hawner / Completion: 2022 / Photograph: ©SIGNA, Marc Brinkmeier (courtesy of the architect); ©POP KUDAMM (courtesy of the architect)
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