베일 드 모세 요가·명상센터 객실 공모전
The Vale de Moses Yoga Retreat in the stunning remote forests of central Portugal is listed as one of the best retreats in the world by NatGeo UK Traveller, Forbes Magazine, The Guardian and several yoga magazines. Every year the retreat welcomes over 500 people from 60+ countries around the world, all looking to take time to be with themselves in a natural wilderness environment – abundant space to breathe and feel.
For the Vale de Moses Meditation Cabins competition, participants are asked to submit designs for a cabin that could be replicated and placed in any number of spots throughout the retreat.
The cabin’s main purpose is to allow guests to experience treatments and meditation sessions that allow them to reconnect with themselves, and to the surrounding forest, gardens and natural elements. Each cabin should provide sufficient space for one guest and one therapist; providing a world-class healing space that connects each guest to the beauty of nature, while at the same time protecting them from its harsher elements.
In addition to the meditation cabins, participants should also think of how designs could be connected by gardens. Outdoor meditation spaces can be made with the living structures of plants, trees or hedges to frame valley views and provide invitational spaces where people can find and feel that deep connection with planet Earth.
Sustainability is a key factor for all new construction at the retreat.
Since the retreat is already at the limits of its energy capacity, all new buildings must be capable of producing their own energy, and all greywater produced from the sinks must be used to irrigate surrounding gardens. Designs for the new cabins should mean that they fit in visually with the forested mountain valley environment, being either made of natural materials or with modern, energy-efficient materials.
포르투갈 중부 깊은 골짜기에 위치한 ‘모세 요가·명상센터’는 세계 유수의 매체에서 꼭 가봐야 할 곳으로 꼽히는 세계적인 휴양지다. 그 명성에 걸맞게 매년 전 세계 60여 개국의 500명이 넘는 사람들이 대자연의 품에서 아늑한 휴식을 즐기기 위해 이곳을 찾고 있다.
모세 요가·명상센터 내에 신축할 독채형 객실 공모전이 개최된다. 센터 내에서도 각기 다른 위치에 독립적으로 지어질 예정이므로 입지 상황에 따라 변형이 가능한 프로토타입을 제시하면 된다.
새로 마련될 객실은 자연을 만끽하며 마음을 정화시키는 공간이자, 전문 테라피스트의 도움을 받아 몸을 회복하는 공간이다. 따라서 핵심은 아름다운 주변 환경과 방문객의 교감을 이끌어 내는 것. 기존에 형성돼있는 야외 명상공간과의 조화, 나아가서는 골짜기의 일부로서 조화를 이루는 방법을 제시하는 게 설계의 관건이다.
자연과의 조화라는 측면에서 지속 가능성도 반드시 고려되어야 한다. 자체적으로 에너지를 생산하는 방법과 생활 하수를 정원 관리에 재활용하는 방법 등이 적용된, 친환경적이면서도 에너지 효율적인 휴식처 아이디어를 기다린다.
The competition is open to all. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams. (4 team members maximum)
– Early registration: 16 November ~ 10 January 2020 (fee: architects 90 USD; students 70 USD)
– Advance registration: 11 January ~ 21 February (fee: architects: 120 USD; students 100 USD)
– Last registration: 22 February ~ 24 April (fee: architects: 140 USD; students 120 USD)
– Submission deadline: 5 June (11:59pm GMT)
– Announcement of winners: 25 June
four A2 landscape-oriented presentation boards (not exceed 5MB per file)
Awards & Prize Money
(1) Architects, designers, enthusiasts and companies
– 1st Prize: 3,000 USD
– 2nd Prize: 1,500 USD
– 3rd Prize: 500 USD
(2) Students
– Client’s Favorite Award: 1,000 USD
– BB Student Award: 500 USD
– BB Green Award: 500 USD
– 6 Honorable Mentions
Competition organizer
Bee Breeders
제한 없음 (1팀 4인 이내)
– 1차 등록: 11.16~2020.1.10 (참가비: 일반 90 USD / 학생 70 USD)
– 2차 등록: 1.11~2.21 (참가비: 일반 120 USD / 학생 100 USD)
– 3차 등록: 2.22~4.24 (참가비: 일반 140 USD / 학생 120 USD)
– 제출: ~6.5
– 발표: 6.25
A2 패널 4장 (가로방향, 파일당 5mb 이내)
(1)일반 부문
– 1등: 3,000 USD
– 2등: 1,500 USD
– 3등: 500 USD
– 특별상: 1,000 USD
– BB 학생상: 500 USD
– BB 녹색건축상: 500 USD
Bee Breeders